Update your data network

How old is your Wide Area Network (WAN)? What technology does it use? How much is it costing you?

When we ask customers those questions, the answers we usually receive are: “years ago; don’t know; a fortune.”

Connectivity technology has changed significantly in recent years. There are often less expensive options available that work just as well, if not better. Sometimes reducing costs might require a network architecture design change; sometimes it might require a change in technology; and sometimes it might need nothing more than a change in supplier or a renegotiated contract.

Whatever it requires, Du Pont is able to provide solutions that offer genuine cost savings.

We have, for example, been able to reduce the cost of some of our customers’ Diginet costs by up to 50 percent.

Call Graeme today on 082 789 1000 and find out how we can help you reduce your data network costs.

2015-02-10T09:58:12+00:00 July 2nd, 2012|Newsletter|Comments Off on Update your data network