Cellphone tip – March Newsletter

Use your cellphone camera to:
• snap a photo of your rental car and your parking spot. This way, when you come back, you can have an easier time finding your rented wheels in a sea of similar colour vehicles.
• snap photos of widgets that you need replaced or plants in your garden. It’s much easier showing a picture to the guy at the hardware store/nursery, than describing the “thingamajig” or the greeny, orange leaf.”

Going shopping? Just about every cellphone gives you some way to keep notes. So instead of writing your shopping list on a physical piece of paper, make a digital note of what you need on your phone. Alternatively, send a SMS to yourself with simple reminders or shopping lists.

2015-02-10T14:45:23+00:00 March 22nd, 2012|Newsletter|Comments Off on Cellphone tip – March Newsletter